SHE Engages: Sharing our progress and upcoming projects with our partners

28 Feb 2024—Thank you to everyone who came to SHE Engages—an event where we share what we’ve been doing and also our upcoming projects with our partner organisations, stakeholders and friends.
Held at TSMP Law Corporation’s gorgeous offices, our chair Stefanie Yuen Thio gave a round-up of all our achievements in 2023, then she and CEO Simran Toor unveiled our Big Idea for 2024: SHE Empowers WOMEN@WORK, where we support women heading back to the workplace.
We’ll be examining a range of critical gender equality and equity-related work issues faced by the everyday woman—from the struggle to balance home and work responsibilities, to learning how to network and draft a CV, to dealing with glass ceilings or gender bias at work.
SHE will also work with stakeholders to facilitate conversations on how workplaces can better support women, including through upcoming laws and guidelines, such as the Workplace Fairness Legislation and Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangements.
We also did deep dives with our other programmes. You can view our presentations here:
ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM and SHE Empowers Women@Work presentation
And check out our Annual Highlights video too!
To get direct updates of everything SHE does, sign up now for the SHE UPDATES email newsletter.
In the meantime, enjoy these photos from SHE Engages 2024!