Donate for Change

Donate to the SHE FUND to help us empower girls and women in Singapore.


SHE is a nonprofit dedicated to advancing recommendations from the 2021 White Paper on Singapore Women's Development, focusing on dismantling gender inequalities in homes, workplaces, and communities. We amplify the voices of everyday women (and men), activate the community, and advocate for Singapore-appropriate change.


Our strategic campaign targets reskilling and upskilling women to overcome barriers and reintegrate into the workforce, bridging the skills gap and empowering them for fulfilling careers.


Ministry of Manpower data show 260,000 Singapore women not participating in the workforce due to caregiving responsibilities, emphasizing the need for change. SHE's research also reveals that women remain heavily relied upon at home. In a hypothetical scenario, women were assigned more household tasks than men. This disparity remains an impediment to women re-entering the workforce.


Women remain underrepresented in certain careers and leadership positions, hindering progress. According to a Nanyang Technological University study, gender equity is notably lacking in engineering and information technology education, with women comprising only 21% and 29% of tertiary graduates, respectively. This disparity is even more pronounced in STEM-related R&D, where women represent just 20% of the workforce. And female representation in senior leadership remains stagnant at about 20%, according to a 2022 analysis by Deloitte.


This must change. We must challenge and overcome limiting mindsets surrounding gender roles. We must:


- Start young

- Engage and educate

- Equip, mentor and develop programmes that upskill, support and guide women who are returning to the workforce


To help us achieve lasting change, financial support is crucial. For more information, please visit All donations will be used to support SHE's operational costs.


Donate via


Scan the QR code in your banking app or pay to UEN: 202210718R
(Please indicate “Donation to SG Her Empowerment Limited” in the reference field.)

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Beneficiary Name: SG Her Empowerment Limited
Bank Name: DBS Bank
Account number: 072-691539-5
Bank code: 7171
Branch Code: 072
Swift code: DBSSSGSG

After you have donated, please complete this form if you wish your donation to be eligible for tax-deduction.


Donation Form

Monetary donations to SHE are eligible for tax-deductible receipts. Please complete the donation form if you would like your donation to be eligible for tax-deduction.

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