Minister Shanmugam holds candid discussion with women leaders at SHE event: 20 March 2024

On Wednesday, 20 March 2024, SHE hosted a closed-door session discussion for over 100 women leaders with Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr. K Shanmugam. Titled “Beyond the Horizon: Anticipating Geopolitical Challenges & Shaping Singapore’s Future”, this was part of SHE’s ongoing initiative to share women’s perspectives with policymakers and key decision makers.
Minister Shanmugam spoke candidly about a range of subjects in response to some tough questions from the audience, including the Government’s efforts to navigate the constantly-shifting tides of geopolitics, the push towards greater gender equality in Singapore amidst demographic changes and workforce needs, and also how to deal with the increasing weaponisation of misinformation.
The session was moderated by SHE Chair Ms Stefanie Yuen Thio, whose irreverent humour encouraged a more relaxed and spirited atmosphere for discussion.
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