Metropolitan Polytechnic Institute of Angola, Promoting Diversity, Gender Equality, Online Safety and Encouraging Women into the STEM Industry Workforce, 26 April 2023

Did You Know?
• Angola in Southern Africa is a former Portuguese colony with a population of 35 million.
• World Bank 2011 data show that 16.8% of girls and 24.8% of boys complete lower secondary school education in Angola.
• According to UN Women, in February 2021, 29.6% of seats in the Angolan Parliament were held by women. The Angolan Executive Branch has adopted policies to support gender issues and the advancement of women and mandated a review to increase the representation of women in Parliament to at least 40 per cent.
Promoting diversity, gender equality, online safety and getting more girls into STEM are pressing worldwide concerns.
SHE CEO Simran Toor recently engaged students and faculty at the Metropolitan Polytechnic Institute of Angola (IMETRO) to discuss these issues.
Attendees shared how diversity, gender equality, online safety, and getting girls into STEM are issues of importance to them, and were keen to learn how Singapore addresses these challenges. Students were also eager to understand how women and men experience the online realm differently, and how safety concerns can lead women to ‘self-exclude’ from online activities, thereby losing out on opportunities and impacting gender equity.
Partnerships and collaborations are important to us at SHE. The challenges before us may be complex, but if we share knowledge, resources, and best practices across borders, we can make changes for the better.